Isometric recently released a feedstock eligibility questionnaire for Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS) suppliers to understand whether their feedstocks will be eligible under Isometric’s Biomass Feedstock Accounting Module.
The module outlines which biomass materials BiCRS suppliers can utilize as inputs (also known as feedstocks). By defining eligible feedstocks, we can ensure that only sustainable and appropriate biomass sources are used, maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of carbon removal. Whether certain feedstocks are permitted is important to suppliers because it impacts the total amount of carbon that can be successfully removed from the atmosphere—ultimately affecting a supplier’s bottom line.
The module evaluates three primary feedstock categories: agricultural residue, forestry thinnings (or other byproducts of forestry operation) and industrial biomass residues. These feedstocks are evaluated against eligibility criteria that includes market leakage, counterfactual storage and dedicated energy feedstock considerations.
Turning these complex eligibility considerations into a simple questionnaire is the first step to helping BiCRS suppliers validate their feedstocks and understand whether they can work with Isometric.
If a supplier’s feedstock is eligible, they can then easily submit all relevant documentation through Isometric Certify. This documentation undergoes a thorough review conducted by an independent third-party to verify its accuracy and completeness.
Feedstock eligibility is particularly important for Graphyte, who store residual biomass in underground sites. The questionnaire is enabling Graphyte, and other BiCRS suppliers, to understand the specific characteristics and limitations of each feedstock, as well as identify opportunities for further development and integration into their existing operations.
Graphyte CTO Hannah Murnen said this about the questionnaire:
"Validation of feedstocks prior to contracting or building is a critical part of the development of any project. This type of tool will make it much easier for suppliers to make choices regarding their feedstock sources."
Isometric can validate biomass feedstocks and verify projects in under a month. Try out the questionnaire here to see whether you qualify to save time and increase revenue with Isometric.